Wednesday 29 September 2010

Day 29 - BIOY

Some of my thoughts on Job

Job's friends were really unhelpful! I read a comment on another day about this, they really didn't understand the complexities of God in the way that Job did - he understood that you cannot fully comprehend God, until we're in heaven we're not going to understand everything that God does. We really do find it hard to see the bigger picture, because we don't get to see all the pieces.

I think we really have to be careful about what we say to others, and whether we're actually saying something that is right. Also, we need to be careful who we surround ourselves with - who we listen to, particularly when we are in times of trouble.

The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard

I must say, I did struggle with this a little at first, because when you first read it, you think 'Well, the ones who worked longer were right! It was unfair!', but then I remembered that they were only promised 1 denarius in the first place, so really it wasn't.

I find it hard because of verse 16 where it says "So the last will be first, and the first will be last". In this context it really does seem unfair and unjust, but when upon re-reading the story, I realised that the landowner was not really putting the later workers first, but instead just making them equal to the earlier ones.

I have no problem thinking about this in terms of God's grace - he is gracious to we who do not deserve it. His grace and mercy mean that it doesn't matter how bad we've sinned, or how long we've been Christians, because as long as we come to him, and believe in Christ, we will all have eternal life.

I liked this comment:

Posted by Emma
God is big enough to deal with our rants and I know that sometimes I need to rant at someone and the one person I know will understand completely is him. So yes, if you need to rant, go to God – always :) x

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