Sunday 19 September 2010

Day 18 - BIOY

I do love it when they do videos :). it's more enjoyable than reading a long section, particularly when I'm going to go and read through all the comments too!

What I particularly got from today's passages/Andy's video:

Don't be afraid to keep dreaming, and when those dreams don't seem to be coming true, it doesn't mean they won't. I liked how Andy kept commenting that this is just 'the story so far'. I find it hard to dream big sometimes, because I'm afraid of failing, as are we all at times, but I need to remember that with God at my side, all things are possible.

I don't understand, how do I 'hear' from God?

An answer I thought was really good - posted by Thelma:

I went to one of the seminars at Soul Survivor about hearing God and it was really helpful in saying that most christians only ever ‘hear’ from God directly about once or twice in their lives, but the rest of the time God uses whatever sort of person you are to speak to you eg. if you are the sort of person that reads, then God may use the Bible to tell you things, if you are a social person God may use a friend to give you an idea, if you are a person who listens to music the words may speak to you. Also, as you grow in your christian life, God trusts you to do things without hearing so much from him. I have found it useful to pray ‘God, I’m not quite sure what to do about this…I think you would want me to do ***, but please stop me if I’m wrong’. I think He is quite able to show you, and as long as your heart attitude is right, you won’t go too far wrong!

An interesting comment:

There are echoes of Jesus' journey in the passage from Genesis, about Joseph. Don't know if this was intentional or not.
The cistern was empty when Reuben went back to find him (the tomb was empty), the jewelled robe - alluding to the royal connection (Jesus is the King of Kings, and came from the line of King David), the slaughter of an animal (the blood Jesus shed for us), the deceit for payment of silver (like Judas), and the brothers who plotted to kill him.

Don't forget...

Even something that seems so small and insignificant, like a mustard seed, can grow into something huge and amazing.

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