Tuesday 14 September 2010

Day 13 - BIOY

Well, the questions on the blog are ever decreasing, though I'm sure there will be more controversial passages more populated with questions to be asked...

Why did Jacob get away with stealing Esau's blessing?

There wasn't an amazing answer for this, people basically just mentioned about how Esau didn't seem to have a particularly respectful view of his birthright - he promised it to Jacob quite flippantly in return for some food. I suppose that God was merciful towards Jacob despite his deceit - and later speaks to Jacob saying he will keep his promise to Jacob and not leave him until he had done so. Also, Jacob was deceived at a later point... (see tomorrow's blog)

Why couldn't Isaac just bless Esau too? (once he'd realised he blessed the wrong one)

The comments have focused on the cultural aspect - it was like appointing a new leader of the 'tribe'/household, and you can't do that to more than one person. Also, he had made particular statements in his blessing, saying things like 'you will rule over your brothers' etc, and he could not just take that back, and obviously couldn't say that to both...

What does Jesus mean when he says 'I do not come to bring peace, but a sword' etc.?

I didn't find a particularly excellent answer to this, but from what I've gathered, people have suggested he meant that he didn't come to smooth everything over and make it all alright, but instead he came bringing truth and light, and as a result of this there would be conflict. Jesus stuck to what was true, and was a revolutionary in the way he did so, causing people to disagree with him (particularly the Pharisees/those steeped in the traditional Jewish ways).

Rather awesome: Matthew 10:40

"He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives the one who sent me"
So basically, anyone who we befriend, is befriended by Jesus. Sweet!

I liked: Matthew 10:39

"Whoever finds his life will lose it and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it"

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