Wednesday 22 September 2010

Day 22 - BIOY

Main thing from today?

Well, the main thing I kind of noticed from today, was that people were being pushed to show things - e.g. Joseph pushes his brothers/tests them, to see if their hearts have actually changed, and it is clear that they have because Judah pleads with Joseph to take him instead of Benjamin. Also, Jesus seems to test the Canaanite woman by ignoring her, saying that he just came for the Israelites and comparing Canaanites with dogs - it seems very un-Jesus-like, but this pushes her to show her strong faith by still pursuing healing for her daughter, and her faith gives her the outcome she desires.

A joke posted today that made me giggle!

Home visit

A new pastor was visiting in the homes of his parishioners. At one house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door.
Therefore, he took out a business card and wrote ‘Revelation 3:20′ on the back of it and stuck it in the door.

When the offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that his card had been returned. Added to it was this cryptic message, ‘Genesis 3:10.’
Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter. Revelation 3:20 begins ‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock.’
Genesis 3:10 reads, ‘I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid for I was naked.’

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