Tuesday 5 October 2010

Decreasing Posts...

I've now realised that there's no way I'll manage to blog a BIOY post every day - not now that I've started uni again and I need to do lots of work as well as sort out a million things for Christian Union! I've got to the stage where I beat myself up about not managing to blog all the time, and that's not good. I'll still try to post some things once in a while, so hopefully they'll be more interesting, rather than me just trying to find something to post for the day!

Will see if I have some time at the weekend to do a post or two from this week and last week. Hope everyone's still enjoying BIOY!
Hope to post more soon!


  1. Hazel All the best for uni don't beat your self up! its enough just doing the readings some days, I fell a few days behind but now have caught up! reading that much job in one go was hard though

    Like your blog and summaries of the bioy am sure be a blessing to other people too

    Jamie (joker of BIOY)

  2. Thanks :)
    It's all going really well now, and I'm still enjoying BIOY - thanks for the jokes too!
