Thursday, 21 October 2010

Other interesting bits...

Mark 2:17 - "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

I loved Andy's comments on day 48, so wanted to repost the first section here:

Sometimes it’s easy to read these words and think what God’s really interested in is punishing people – after all there are lots of punishments listed. But that’s missing the point – it’s like watching a football match and thinking the point of it is the red and yellow cards. The point of the rules of football aren’t to send people off, they are to let people play. The point of God’s law was never to punish people it was to protect people. It was to make sure that they loved each other, valued the life of another person, cared for the poor and so on. Ultimately it was to create an amazing loving community.

Commented by Lydia: "You are for me" by Kari Jobe

Posted by Kat: "No Reason to Hide" by Hillsong

1 comment:

  1. Hey hey :) not particularly commenting on this post, just commenting to say yay, I've actually made it to this blog!

    Was good talking to you earlier this week - speak soon :)
